
Puppetry. Bobe Mayses


Bobe Mayses - Yiddish Knights and other Impossibilities, 2016

Bobe Mayses

Performance, Parade and Puppetry

Directed by Jenny Romaine

Script & Story by Michael Wex

Music by Alan Bern

Design by Abigail Miller, Gregory Corbino & Rosza Daniel Lang/Levitsky

A project of Yiddish Summer Weimar & the Other Music Academy.

Premiere 01.08.2016 Weimar, further shows Erfurt (@Alte Synagoge), Berlin (@Jüdisches Museum)

“Bobe Mayses” is a mixed-media performance and parade. The dazzling show is based on a 500-year old Yiddish bestselling story about knights and fair ladies, the Bovo Bukh. It connects the story’s meanings with contemporary themes around grandmothers, migration and gender-bending heroes. The show was co-created at a four-week international artistic residency in Weimar.

I performed, built and played puppets, sang and danced various roles in this show.


Photos/Grafics © Other Music Academy