
Feedback format. Instant Atlas, ongoing

instantatlas 2018

Instant Atlas - Stücke sehen, ongoing

Instant Atlas - Stücke sehen

Feedback Format for Dance

Concept and performance Agnes Kern, Valentin Schmehl

Instant Atlas is a feedback format developed in the frame of S.o.S. - Students on Stage Festival and Alumni Dance Festival Berlin. Inspired by the practices of art historian Aby Warburg, we instantly transform intellectual and aesthetic reflections into a map of imagery, which is open for further development by the audience. The format serves as a basis for exchange with the artists, opening the dialogue on a platform of personal and vulnerable creative sharing on both ends.

The format can be further developed for other formats. A concept for a participatory instant-audience-reactions atlas is already on its way. If you’re interested to invite Instant Atlas to your festival, please contact me.


Photos © Valentin Schmehl, Alexandra Hennig